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russia threatens poland

Russia Threatens Poland - Polish and US soldiers participate in a ceremony to welcome US-led NATO troops near Orzyce, Poland in April 2017 [File: Reuters]

On Kyiv's side, the central European country shares borders with Ukraine, Russia's Kaliningrad and Belarus and is a bulwark against Moscow's aggression in the eastern part of the NATO alliance.

Russia Threatens Poland

Russia Threatens Poland

Along with the United States, Britain and the Baltic states, Warsaw supports policies that seek to punish and punish Moscow for its war on Ukraine.

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"Poland is currently at the end of NATO's spear against Russia," Theodore Karasik, a fellow on Russia and Middle East affairs at the Jamestown Foundation, told Al Jazeera.

"With the Kaliningrad region bordering Poland, there is growing concern about the state of Russia as Russia seeks to expand its 'hegemony,'" he said.

"As NATO continues to build up against Russia, its access points through the Baltic Sea and ports will be challenged in the future because of what is happening today."

Kaliningrad, a small area he could only point to on a map until recently, drew international attention in June when Lithuania banned shipments of goods through its country. Russia has been threatening retaliatory measures.

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Before the war in Ukraine, Poland, which has long demanded increased protection from NATO's most powerful members, complained about what it saw as insufficient military aid from the alliance.

In 2018, Warsaw decided to establish a large US-Polish military base in Poland - dubbed "Fort Trump" after former US President Donald Trump. But the plan went nowhere as Trump decided that such a base on Polish soil would anger the Kremlin.

But Russia's war in Ukraine, which began on February 24 this year, has also changed the security landscape in Europe and led to changes in US-Poland relations.

Russia Threatens Poland

At a NATO summit last month, Washington said it would establish the headquarters of the US 5th Army Corps in Poland, adding to the weight of the US military in Europe.

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"Something that seems impossible to many people is happening today," announced Polish duo Marcin Fizydacz.

After Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, Poles complained about Moscow's foreign policy in Eastern Europe.

Poland joined NATO 15 years ago but saw Russia as a direct threat. However, Polish ideas go far back in history.

"For many years, Russia has occupied Polish territory and occupied it many times," former US ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Briza told Al Jazeera.

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"In fact, Russia, along with Prussia and Austria, annexed Poland [in] three different ways from 1772 to 1795, causing Poland to disappear from the European map. Russia has been threatened by Poland for centuries, and its occupation of the country trying to do

"In 1920, the Bolsheviks attempted to aggressively spread the Bolshevik Salvation in Poland and the Polish, miraculously, stopped in the so-called Miracle Battle of the Vistula. After World War II, Russia annexed Poland in the form of the Soviet Union. Captured.

Warsaw sees the attack on Ukraine as a wake-up call to the rest of Europe and hopes that Russia's aggression will be taken seriously.

Russia Threatens Poland

However, Poland and other NATO and EU countries are not on the same page in dealing with Moscow.

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Poland will reimpose sanctions against Russia and insist that NATO and the EU continue to support Kyiv in the war. Some European countries, notably Hungary, have adopted less formal terms.

"But NATO is managing these conflicts, and overall, it has done a very good job of responding to Putin in a way that I didn't expect," Brezza said. "NATO, the EU and the US will maintain their alliance."

Hungary and Poland are traditionally allies, dating back to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, when many Polish kings were Hungarian.

In modern times, the Visegrad Group is bringing the two together in its EU integration policies, and both countries are led by populist governments, meaning they share the same "values".

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However, the war in Ukraine has exacerbated their tensions because while Poland is more involved in paying Russia for its unexpected aggression, "Hungary wants to do business with Russia," Bryza said.

Even before February 24, Poland and Hungary were moving in different directions, indicating Budapest's view of a "quiet button" in relation to Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014.

In a brief meeting with Ukrainian Ambassador to Hungary NEPOP LJUBOV, he made a serious call for more support for Ukraine and highlighted Orban's "calm" policy regarding the Russian occupation. "The calm of wisdom is the grave." I would have." — Benjamin Novak (@b_novak) March 4, 2022

Russia Threatens Poland

"[Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor] Orbán has been cooperating with Russia for many years and has a very special relationship with the People's Republic of China, while Poland, especially since 2015 [when the Nationalist Law and Justice Party came to power], strongly encouraging American," Pawel Pawlowski, chairman of the Foundation Council at the Warsaw Institute, told Al Jazeera.

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"The Polish government has now reduced its dialogue with Budapest. It is clear that we will not go back to the way we communicate before February 2022."

In addition to providing weapons and political support to Kyiv, Poland has sheltered more than three million Ukrainian refugees.

This increase caused the population of Warsaw to increase by 15% during the first 10 weeks of the war. As of last month, there were more than two million Ukrainian refugees in Polish cities.

"In every street and in big cities [in Poland] you will see Ukrainian flags next to Polish flags," said Bryza, who is from Krakow. Poland sees Ukraine as a country of brothers and the Ukrainian people are very grateful for that. Western magazine articles covering the day Russian troops occupied Crimea, variously portraying President Vladimir Putin as hot-tempered, crazy or insane. Satan, a Brezhnevsque presence. Russian-language publications are, at present, taking very limited steps.

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2 "'Bad government. If the world doesn't stop Putin now, it may soon be too late," says Polish "Newsweek."

7 "Argumenty i fakty" plays on the similarity between Russian "island" (half-island) and "island". "Crimea Half Iceland. Is Southeast Ukraine Fleeing to Russia?" asks a Russian news magazine.

8 "Dementia is strong and our tanks are fast." The headline of "Novaya gazeta" is a play on the literary word ("ice is hard") used to describe absurd things. The tanks refer to the patriotic war song, "March of the Soviet Tankmen". With a meat grinder as a cannon, the Russian newspaper writes that "looking at the crisis in Ukraine, Moscow is ready to make decisions that affect ordinary people".

Russia Threatens Poland

10 "Is Lenin Really Important?" asks the Ukrainian magazine "Correspondent", which "promises to express opinions in areas that do not agree with the field."

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11 The Czech weekly "Respekt" has on its front page Putin the famous slogan of former Kremlin leader Leonid Brezhnev: "The country is united with Putin." Lithuania's President Gaitanas Noseda speaks to the media upon arrival at the EU-Africa summit. Meeting in the European Council building on 17 February 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. Geert Vanden Wijngaert/Pool via

VILNIUS, Feb 17 () Russia has amassed 45,000 troops in Belarus and their presence threatens the Baltic states and Poland, Lithuanian President Gaitanas Noseda said on Thursday.

Joint military operations between Russia and Belarus near the border between Belarus and Ukraine are expected to end on Sunday.

Tensions between Moscow and NATO have been high for weeks after the United States accused Russia of sending up to 150,000 troops to attack near the border with Ukraine. Read More Moscow condemns Western hysteria and denies plotting attack.

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"They mobilized 45,000 troops, a lot of military equipment, the air force. And we did not hear clear promises that it would be removed from Russian territory after a military operation," Noseda told a meeting of EU leaders in Brussels. said in a video after the meeting. .

The Baltic states - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia - as well as Poland are members of the European Union and NATO.

NATO wants to increase its forces in the Baltic states and Poland if Russia keeps troops in Belarus after the Games, the head of the alliance's military committee said in February. 7. Read more

Russia Threatens Poland

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