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Cheapest Operating Cost Aircraft

Cheapest Operating Cost Aircraft

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Budget Buys Of 2018: 12 Low Cost Airplanes, Five Under $25k

The air dominance of the US Air Force, of course, does not come cheap. For its 10 most expensive planes, hourly operating costs start at $58,059 and only go up from there. The chart below, based on the Air Force's estimated hourly cost of flight. List of the 10 most expensive airlines to fly in descending order:

The E-4 Nightwatch is the most expensive military aircraft in the Air Force. The Night Watch is a command and control aircraft intended to serve as a flying airbase for the President of the United States and cabinet members in the event of a national disaster. Designed as a doomsday plane, the Nightwatch is expensive to operate due to its size and technical capabilities. The aircraft is specially designed to avoid electromagnetic pulses with additional thermal and nuclear shielding. It can also be refueled by air and has a capacity for 112 passengers.

Shockingly, the much-maligned F-35 is only the seventh most expensive aircraft per hour flown by the Air Force. Its costs are partly due to the lack of an efficient supply chain for aircraft, which should be resolved in the coming years. These planes cost $1,500 and $11,500 per hour to operate, respectively. Will Trump be impeached in Georgia? Fulton County prosecutor suggests 'multiple' people could face charges 'immediately' in 2020 election investigation

The nonpartisan US Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report detailing mission feasibility rates and the operating cost of maintaining US fighter jets. The US reviewed more than 40 different types of aircraft and found that only three met their mission capability targets in fiscal years 2011 through 2019. Operating and support (O&S) costs, such as maintenance and supply support, billed more than $49 billion to operate the various fleets in fiscal 2018, according to the report. The GAO notes that O&S typically accounts for 70% of a weapons system's total life cycle costs and includes invoices for parts, depot and field maintenance, contract services, engineering. support and staff, among others.

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Of the aircraft types analyzed, 20 saw their O&S costs increase from fiscal year 2011 to 2018, three saw a constant, and 22 saw a decrease. During this period, the Navy's KC-130T Hercules fleet had the lowest operating cost of the entire aircraft fleet at $118.03 million, while the Air Force's KC135T Stratotankers had the highest cost at $4.24 billion (mainly due to the size of the fleet). ). So how much does it cost to operate some of America's top fighter jets annually? Along with the aforementioned availability rates, the report also provided cost reductions per individual aircraft in fiscal 2018.

For a number of reasons, including age and sheer complexity, Air Force bombers are among the most expensive to maintain flight and mission capability over long ranges. In fiscal 2018, operating costs per aircraft for the B-2 Spirit were just under $63 million, largely due to additional work required to maintain low-observability features such as concealed skins. Their counterparts in the bomber fleet, the 70-year-old B-52 and B-1B, cost $25 million and $23.7 million per aircraft to operate in 2018, respectively. The demands and costs of maintaining less observable aircraft again show up in the fighter fleet.

America's two most advanced combat aircraft are stealthy and the most expensive to maintain in the combat fleet. In fiscal 2018, the F-22 Raptor cost $22 million per plane, while the new F-35 fleet clocked in at $13.4 million per plane. The F-22 is particularly demanding on Air Force maintainers, requiring a full three-week maintenance plan for every 300 flight hours. The lessons have been incorporated into the F-35, which is designed to be easier to maintain, by introducing a computerized program designed to perform any task. Even so, it's still more expensive to maintain mission capability than older stalwarts like the F-15 and F-16, which cost $5 million to $10 million per aircraft to keep operational in fiscal 2018. The V-Tail is one of the cheapest planes in the sky compared to similar models, and it still offers plenty of capability. Photo by Glenn Watson. Photo by Glenn Watson

Cheapest Operating Cost Aircraft

If the idea of ​​a cheap plane sounds too good to be true, we'll agree. At least in most cases. The term "cheap" is not very useful if you want to fly at 180 knots in levels of flight.

Why Are Low Cost Airlines So Cheap?

But if you have more modest purposes for flying, there are some really cheap options available, as you'll see.

As Bob Dylan said of used planes back when, "...they're changing with the times." And maybe he wasn't specifically singing about airplanes, but the point is firm. Over the past 40 years, there has been a large number of used aircraft, ever since Wichita et al. More than 10,000 aircraft were produced per year. And because we now know that most planes last a long, long time, if not forever, longer than a pilot's flying career, in many cases, that high frequency has kept used plane prices low. It was win/win/win. You got a cheap, good quality plane that wasn't too expensive to keep in airworthy condition. The pros of buying used far outweigh the cons and for most of us it was great.

Two things happened to change the image of this scene. The first is that there aren't as many of those old planes as there used to be. While some are lost in accidents and natural disasters, a large number go unused. Others become obsolete and others are orphaned, and the owner of the type certificate is no longer in the business of supplying spare parts.

So with fewer planes on the supply side, higher prices were and are bound to come. Many models, especially high-performance aircraft, have risen in price well beyond the rate of inflation. In the last 10 years alone, the typical sales prices of many GA singles with larger motors and constant speed propellers have doubled. Many others are close to him. And since the end of the reduction in the used fleet is not in sight, there is no mechanism to reverse this trend.

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The other thing that's happening is that there are fewer secrets, fewer big planes that have yet to appear on the radar of potential buyers. Several aircraft in our lineup here fit that bill, aircraft that were unwanted or unwanted for years but are getting some attention today. We may be partly responsible for spreading these models, but market forces are unstoppable in the Internet age. If there's an underrated plane out there, history will break out.

One other thing about our new lineup: some of these planes have had a bad rap for a long time, often. But as with the Piper Tomahawk, which suffered from spin accidents early in its production life, the cause of the problem was understood and fixed in each case. It doesn't make sense that we don't buy the Tomahawk, or any other aircraft, because of a problem in the past. Is it a perfect plane? Even if there was such a thing, the Tomahawk wouldn't be. But it's a fun plane to fly, cheap to buy, and cheap to own. We believe that many pilots will be willing to overlook some of the drawbacks of this arrangement.

So, with that as a reminder and without further ado, our list of the 10 (plus) cheapest flights on Sky.

Cheapest Operating Cost Aircraft

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