Cheapest Aircraft To Own - Owning your own plane has been called an impossible feat in film and television. So, what are the cheapest airplanes you can buy?

As you might have guessed, the cheapest planes to fly and buy are small private jets. The most affordable aircraft are the Cessna 150, Ercoupe 415-C, Aeronca Champ, Beechcraft Skipper, Cessna 172 Skyhawk, Luscombe Silvaire, Stinson 108, and Piper Cherokee 140.

Cheapest Aircraft To Own

Cheapest Aircraft To Own

Buy your own plane and you can jump on it whenever you want, which is something all pilots wish they could do at some point. But many think they need hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) to get on a plane. In fact, some of them are more affordable than you might think. In this article, you will learn about 8 of the best affordable airplanes that you can buy and own.

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To make sure you get the most accurate information possible, we talked to experts in the world of airline sales and scoured the internet to find the average prices you see below. Understand that these numbers are averages, but you can read this list with confidence that these are indeed the cheapest planes on the market that you can buy and fly.

If you​​​​are​​considering​​purchasing​​a​​plane​​,​​we​​are​​going to take a probability here and assume that you are talking about a small private jet that you can fly at your discretion. For the vast majority of pilots, renting an airplane or long-term lease is the most common way to fly.

Many never even consider buying their own plane because they fear that it will be out of their price range. After all, who has hundreds of thousands - or millions - of dollars? But don't let that stigma put you off. For significantly less than the average price of a new car in the US, you can own your own airplane today.

You may be a multi-millionaire or a billionaire with your eyes set on a private jet (don't worry, we'll forgive you), but someone with that much money probably won't worry too much about the cost. Or, you know, they'll have someone handle that kind of thing for them. I'm not personally one of those people who is in the market for a private jet when I search the internet for a plane to buy myself, but I digress.

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We'll outline the cheapest ways to buy airplanes below, but here are some ideas of which airplanes you might want to consider looking into and what you might pay for them:

If you are looking for the "own your own plane" business and your primary concern is the cost of the plane, the obvious choice is the Cessna 150. As the most affordable plane on this list, it varies the Cessna 150 typically from $14,000 to $16,000. Sure, that's still a lot of money, but it's still less than what most used cars sell for these days.

The Cessna 150 (and its brother the 152) are the third most popular private jet of all time, behind its successor - the Cessna 172 Skyhawk - and the Piper Cherokee. The Cessna 150 has been called one of the easiest planes to fly and one of the hardest, depending on which pilot you talk to. But when it comes to buying your first airplane, you can't go wrong with this timeless classic.

Cheapest Aircraft To Own

The Cessna 150 is followed by the Luscombe Silvaire, at least at the lower end of its range. Depending on which model you look at, you can find Silvaires for as little as $16,000. But you can also find them for $24,000 or more. Three models can be considered, each more expensive than the others: 8C, 8E, and 8F. 8F is much more expensive than the other two, so keep that in mind!

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The Silvaire moniker has become common for all 2-seat models of Luscombe aircraft, but the first real Silvaire was built in 1940, the Model 8C. Since then the 8E and 8F have been built and released and remain as popular as ever. Due to its narrow undercarriage and responsive controls, this affordable aircraft can be a bit difficult to land, so we really don't recommend it for beginner pilots. Although once you get the hang of it, the Silvaire is a great aircraft for its price.

Rounding out our list of the cheapest planes to buy and fly is the popular Ercoupe 415-C. Based on the Silvaire model in question, the Ercoupe is easily the second best in this article, with an average price of just $18,000 to $20,000. But, no matter what, you will not be disappointed with the plane for what you paid for. Of course to some extent.

Considered one of the easiest airplanes to fly, the 415-C is a solid choice for anyone looking to purchase their own. The plane has no rudder, so all you have to manipulate is the joystick - similar to driving a car. These pilot-friendly aircraft are affordable, easy to fly and offer an experience that is unmatched by other aircraft. Buy it now for under $20,000.

Rounding out our ranking of the cheapest airplanes to fly and buy is the popular Piper Cherokee 140. The Piper was an excellent low-wing airplane, originally designed as a direct competitor to the Cessna 150. Almost 60 years after its release, it competes nor Cessna in popularity and price. You can get the Cherokee 140 for around $20,000 to $22,000.

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The Cherokee 140 is available in 2 and 4 passenger models, with larger models generally in the higher price range. The aircraft is known for its reliability, relatively low maintenance costs, and ease of flying.

The Aeronca Champ, at the end of the top half of the list, is the fifth cheapest plane, with an average price between $22,000 and $24,000. Originally a direct computer for the J-3 Cub, today the Aeronca Champ is not only more affordable than the J-3, but many consider it even a better airplane.

Unlike most aircraft in this class, the Champ has tandem seats, offering a unique seating experience unlike most standard seats. The same goes for the J-3, but with the Champ's offset seats for better visibility and an easier ride. If you are a fan of high-wing aircraft and want to have your own plane, the Champ is the cheapest plane you will find on the market.

Cheapest Aircraft To Own

The Beechcraft Skipper is hugely popular among aviation enthusiasts and pilots, but in the grand scheme of things it was largely unknown. That is because about 300 Skippers were produced, which makes them difficult to find. That's why it's such a shocker that you can still pick it up for around $25,000 or less. Let's just say, you won't find an easier plane to fly in this price range.

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Originally designed as a training aircraft, flight schools and pilot instructors soon saw the Skipper as a viable trainer. Not because it is not a good plane, but because it is so good. The sturdy design makes the Skipper extremely stable, making flying and landing easier than flight schools want. The swinging nose design increases visibility and further reduces pilot stress.

So the Skipper was discontinued because flying schools no longer wanted to use them. But as a recreational aircraft, the Beechcraft Skipper is the perfect plane to jump on.

Of course, the Cessna 170 and 172 are different planes. But for all intents and purposes we consider them the same thing. The 172 is the direct successor of the original 170, even the successor of the 150/152 that you read above. The biggest difference between 170 and 172 is the landing gear.

When you put it all together, you can expect to find a Cessna 170/172 for just under $30,000, with most selling for between $26,000 and $29,000 - no. 7 in our ranking. It is actually the most popular airplane of all time, selling more than any other model in history. That's why you can find them for such a good price, they are everywhere. You will be hard pressed to find a better deal than a Cessna 170 or 172 when shopping for your own aircraft.

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